


2月16日 17日 公聴会前のコメント

当協会Insurance Institute for Highway Safetyでは車両欠陥疑惑に関する調査は行わないし、スロットル・コントロールに関する専門知識も持っていない。リコールされた車両になんらかのelevated crashesがあるかどうか我々の交通事故データベースを調べているが、現時点ではなんら新情報は得られていないからだ。



Regarding the recall programs initiated by Toyota,, I have little comment.
The Institute does not investigate vehicle defect allegations and does not have expertise in throttle-control technologies. We are taking a look at some of our crash databases -- to see if the recalled vehicles have elevated crashes of any type -- but we have no new information at this time.
It's impossible to predict what will happen, but Toyota has a strong brand image in the US and if they deal effectively with these various complaints, I think it will not suffer too much or too long.

Hope Spring arrives soon!

Adrian Lund, Ph.D.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

2月22日 公聴会前のコメント







Concerning your question about the Toyota recalls I share your opinion that this is an important issue. Newspapers here almost daily report on it.

Toyota used to be a symbol of production of reliable cars.

The German automobile association ADAC publishes yearly statistics on breakdowns of cars in Germany. These are breakdowns which mainly happen to the 15 million members of the ADAC, reported by the breakdown service of ADAC.

I remember that around 10 years ago Toyota and Mazda vehicles were on top of the ADAC reliability statistics of cars. German motor industry intensively focused on that matter and launched great affords in quality management and control for improving the situation. They have been working successfully. Consequently, within the last years German car producers have performed well in the ADAC breakdown statistics.

We know that the image of a car producer can change rather quickly in public opinion. And it takes much longer to catch-up again after having experienced a loss of face in this regard. But, I am sure that Toyota will work hard to overcome the present situation. I am convinced that Toyota has the necessary knowledge and means to succeed.

Ekkehard Brühning

2月24日 公聴会前のコメント



2月24日 公聴会前のコメント










Hopefully you have been able to follow the USA congressional hearings currently ongoing involving Toyota. Tomorrow is a big day for Mr. Toyoda and Toyota Corporation. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

The challenges facing Toyota are difficult but they are not insurmountable. The saying generally goes - those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it - and even those who study history may not be "open-minded" to the potential fact that their own interpretation of the facts may be wrong. I fully expect many books to be written about how Toyota got themselves into their current predicament and how they weathered it (some may "forecast" or "predict" it while others may "reflect" upon it - depending on the timeframe that they are written).

However, since you asked me, I will offer you some of my thoughts.

How did Toyota get themselves into this predicament?

Simple - they "assumed" they knew their product better than any customer who was complaining to them. I call this "confirmation bias". Most engineers know some "history" about "sudden acceleration" and, while I am no expert on the past problems, my recollection is that almost all of the prior events were related back to the "driver" and "pedal error". In many instances this made perfect sense and fit the objective evidence. But, if one is not "open-minded" about the situation then one can place more focus on the isolated pieces of evidence that "confirm" what you "already know". This leads to a general sense that the problem is "solved" and one moves on. Until the next complaint. And then the next. And unless there is a focused and deliberate effort to examine and resolve each one, then mistakes can be made and opportunities missed. Drivers make mistakes - we know that - but, as was the case today with Mrs. Smith who testified about her Lexus - what I think the technicians and mechanics missed was "what she said". She provided insights as to what was going on - her "airbag light" turned on - then something else happened - then something else - if one takes the time to backtrack on these comments then maybe it will help a technician or mechanic to figure out what happened. Or better yet, what was she doing (what buttons was she pushing) and what sequence of events were unfolding that led up to this event occurring and maybe those can help re-create and then solve this problem. If one maintains an "open mind" to other possible problems then one can limit the potential for "confirmation bias" and the technician or mechanic giving the dreaded "failed to replicate customer complaint" response (I was going to say "solution" but it's not really solving the problem is it).

Where do they go from here?

In my humble opinion, Toyota has darker days ahead of them before they begin to see brighter days. Just as a piece of steel can be made stronger by "fire" so can this company. They will have to deal with the documents that tout their "savings" by limiting "recalls" and they will have to extensively and conclusively exhaust the flames of the "electronic glitch" crowd. Many perceive the current recalls to be "low cost solutions" to pacify vehicle owners. How Toyota addresses the "electronic" issue is not going to be easy. To a large extent, I believe Toyota is already doing that with an approach of updating the system control software in their vehicles. Is it necessary to update every single car out on the road too? Probably not but unless they can pin-point the "cause" of any "acceleration or deceleration" anomaly then they may forced to either accept a certain level of "risk" that it could occur or update every system out there. That could be a monumental undertaking. But time does not stand still and rumor and "word of mouth" can be rampant (especially in today's digital age) and the current "rumor" is that the "fly-by-wire" software has bugs but the "upgrade" is too "big" for the electronics/memory capacity of the existing fleet of cars on the road. It is this type of "rumor" that can cause reckless harm to all car companies (heck, any company for that matter) and it is certainly in Toyota's best interest to show that they are being PROACTIVE in addressing any and all consumer complaints as well as scientifically refuting and proving "false" any "rumors" that are proclaimed.

No one likes to be criticized. But if one surrounds themselves with only people who tell them "what they want to hear" then a problem can be left to "fester". And the problem will continue to grow until one day someone has the courage to say "The Emperor Has No Clothes" and suddenly many people say "I saw that but never said anything". That may an awakening but the true task isn't just "realization" - it's finding the "clothes" and getting the Emporor's "clothes" back on. With help, Toyota will find their "clothes" and they will get back to the core values of what made their company great.

Thomas F. Fugger, Jr.
President/Sr. Engineer
Accident Research & Biomechanics, Inc.

2月25日 第1回公聴会後のコメント



スェーデン・エージェンシー 自動車投資部長

Toyota is still very respected for reliability and owners are satisfied. Number 1 car in popularity though in Sweden is Subaru according to the owners. It will all depend how the management handles the crisis I think. There was a big article in our most influential paper describing how important Toyota is for the Japanese and an interview with an employee at Toyota blaming the problem on recently hired unskilled workers.

Stefan Östling
Head of Automotive
Invest of Sweden Agency

2月26日 第2回公聴会後のコメント



The hearings were great political theater -- but I thought Toyoda and Inaba did as well as they could to strike a balance between contrition and support for Toyota's engineers and employees. I don't know how the public will respond.

Adrian Lund, Ph.D.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

2月26日 第2回公聴会後のコメント



東アジア地区代表団 中国部長
袁 和

The following is my personal opinion for your reference:

Toyota Recall is a big issue in the world at the moment. I think one of the main causes of the crisis is the rapid growth of production in the company. Toyota will face the challenge of getting customers ' confidence back on the quality of their products. It might take awhile. However, when I worked in Delphi 10 years ago, I understand that Toyota is the leader of production management (lean manufacturing, Just in time delivery, quality assurance system and continuous improvement). With those history, culture and mindset of the company in mind, I hope Toyota will learn from the current lessons and try harder to meet the market needs and customers expectation.

Ann Yuan
GRSP Country Manager for China
Regional Delegation for East Asia
